14 Sept 2007

Kom kyk SAAM met my: Jak de Priester

There is actually a great Seether song off their last album which is done in Afrikaans… The main lyrics are 'Kom saam met my…' which is indeed quite fitting with the SA Music gig blog section "Kom kyk SAAM met my!" 

SAAM standing for 'South African Afrikaans Music' on this here gig blog!

Today's artist in the spotlight is Jak De Priester who will be performing in London on Sunday… and here are some tasty tit bits about this rather tasty looking muso…

He’s been going for five years now, and has always loved the stage and performing apparently. And in those mere five years, he has released four albums!

His latest is Stellenbosch Lovesong, which also has two English tracks on it! But De Priester writes and sings clearly, making a basic high school understanding of Afrikaans enough to get by on, and the emotion and mood in his voice will do the rest!

Rock on Jak,

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