12 Sept 2007

6 degrees of sad separation

Here's something a bit more interesting to add to your SA Music trivia. Most of it is quite sad this week, but more so amazing how many SA Music artists are interlinked in the strangest of ways...

1. Fevertree arrive in UK, backed by Musketeer Records, for first gig on 12 September 2007

2. Musketeer Records started with the band Saron Gas, then to become Seether, who they made famous and got them signed in the States

3. Living in California, lead singer of Seether, Shaun Morgan's brother Eugene jumped to his death out a hotel window a month ago on 13 August 2007

4. Eugene was a good friend with Chas Smit, lead guitarist of Plush, who was killed by a drunken driver exactly two years ago on 18 September 2005

5. Ironic also that Seether's last released album, two years ago to the day on 19 September 2005, was called Karma & Effect

6. And currently promoting her upcoming tour in the UK is one of the few SA artists alongside Seether & Just Jinjer, to make it in the States, Karma (ex-Henry Ate)

If you have one, then please share your 6 degrees of SA music separation with us!

Rock on SA Music,

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