22 May 2007

And here we start...

...with a humourous rendition of an article I recently wrote... After celebrating the Super 14 win on Saturday past, a friend of mine said how he had read my article and loved the line I wrote about the artist - 'like a pube choir boy'!

This of course is not what I wrote, and in fairness to my comparison and more so to the artist, one Chris Chameleon- the line I wrote was about his incredible vocal range...

"...his ability to hit the high notes like a pre-pubescent choir boy but with the grace of an angel!"

A classic example of mis-quoting adding humour to the day! Chris Chameleon was every bit the comedian during his recent UK visit as his storytelling acoustic show unfolded fabulously! One of SA's talented artists, one who will undoubtedly keep on delivering his diverse and eccentric chameleonesque style for many years to come!

We want more SA music diversity in London!

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