9 Mar 2011

Increase the consciousness...

A song that I'm loving at the moment, is Katy Perry's Firework. Its pop. Its catchy. Its clever. And more intriguingly with the spirit of the times, its uplifting and inspiring, instilling a sense of awareness and consciousness. 

Lyrically it leans towards a more reflective style not usually aligned to pop, but set to the excitement level of Guy Fawkes as she literally explodes as she sings, both in her intent behind the words and literally, in her music video! Of course being American, she sings about the 4th July and not Guy Fawkes, but its the motivation in her lyrics that intrigue me. How music can inspire and motivate society.

And this is the phase I feel we are in / moving into... where musicians will realise the importance of the platform they hold, their influence of setting positive intention...

Music has always been inspiring and mostly with message, but in pop it adds an uplifting kick to the urgency of this message!

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark for you
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Jax Panik track 'Jumpstart' also speaks some fab uplifting pop truth. Opening with the line 'Nothing is real when nothing is what you feel' it creates a sort of double negative anti-inspiration. Nothing is real if nothing is what you feel. And to keep us uplifted and inspired and on the up, we have catchy, clever pop tracks to remind us. Jumpstart indeed!

Rock on catchy, clever, conscious pop,

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