17 Mar 2011

I want you back...

Over five years ago I was asked to interview a rock band for the South African newspaper. It was 2005 and they were playing their way through the various stages of the O'Neills Battle of the Bands. 

They were called Livingston. Confusing at the time as the mayor of London was one Ken Livingstone. But no connection they assured me. Something to do with seagulls...

Off I went to Acton, where lead singer Beukes picked me up from the station in his car. He apologised for the dog hair on the seats. I was immediately at ease and conversation with this polite, warm plaas boy was effortless.

The interview itself took place in a storage warehouse, inside a 3mx3m storage cell, wall-to-wall with Italian flag-style faux fur as a sound buffer. It was their first ever interview. And with cotton wool in my ears, I had the best front row seat of my life!

From then onwards, I remember those days of 2005 fondly. The days I became a groupie for Livingston at each and every one of their small gigs around London - dragging every friend of mine along at least once. For close on two years I didn't miss a show!

Fast forward to 2011. Livingston is currently back in the UK to record their follow-up album from their 2009 debut released in Berlin where they are now based. The uber successful Sign Language has seen them rise up the charts in Germany and playing to massive crowds!

They have just posted some pics on Facebook which I thought I'd share. The pics below are of the two South African band members in the recording studio - first up is lead singer Beukes Wilemse (and random dog) and the next one is the assistant engineer with guitarist Chris van Niekerk!

It would be so fitting to have one last Livingston show in London before I depart... just one more show from this band of beautiful people, making exquisite sounds! Aaah, what I'd do to hear those songs performed live, and intimately, in London again!

Rock on Livingston and magical memories,

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