8 Jun 2010

Cool kom Londen toe... a month today!

'Die taal' is back in fashion as Afrikaans has been given a facelift and a new hat... in the form of Afrikaans rapper Jack Parow!

His songs Die Vraagstuk (the issue) and Cooler as ekke (Cooler than me) have created a buzz with many a South African quoting lines as their facebook statuses...

Jack Parow and electro band Die Heuwels Fantasties will be in London town for one night only a month from today on 8 July.

So get them blerrie tickets and start learning the real words so you can tjoon others at the same pace as this chavvy chap from behind the boerewors curtain!

Jack has also been used as the face of the 2010 Pendorings - the Afrikaans advertising awards in SA. Read more...

Rock on kief Afrikaans rap,

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