14 Nov 2008

Appreciating 'African' music...

I had the immense pleasure last night of interviewing one of South Africa's hottest DJ talents, a man who is mixing house music with hip hop, and spreading this African blend of musical love around the UK. He's based here and has residencies across London - our very own export - DJ Mo Laudi!

And not only was he all the things that I love about a true creator - passionate, interesting, inspired - but super dedicated. While chatting it came out that it was his bday yday and yet there he was doing a media interview with all the focus and enthusiasm as if it were any other day of the year!

We chatted about the increasing African music scene and the worlds' growing interest in music from more exotic destinations, and we spoke about Mo Laudi's musical creations and what he loves doing... which is a little bit of everytyhing... crossing samples and genres and styles... and it is this multi-mixing mentality that always gets me most exuberated about South African music...

South Africa possesses such a superb variety of influences, cultures, experiences and cross-polinated creative people, that one never knows what will be created next... and with that shared Africaness as a label of pride, I was most impressed to see a post on a website yday from Dale Stewart, the guitarist of LA-based, SA exports Seether... where he was invited to submit his eight fave tracks right now ... and right in there with The Pixies and Deftones, was our dearest Johnny Clegg. Crossing all sorts of boundaries and geographical borders, South African music is osmosising into the hearts and pysches of the world!

And so, with only a week to go until the first MTV Africa Music Awards, I still have some research to do into HHP (Hip Hop Pantsula), DJ Cleo and Jozi as I promised. And meeting Mo Laudi fuelled that desire to really find out what the fuss is all about in this self-evolving genre of music captivating South Africans.

Rock on to discovering new music,

PS. For those fans of Plush - catch lead singer Rory Eliot tonight at The Watershed in Wimbledon!

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