21 Apr 2009

Music marks the spot!

Ahead of tomorrow, election energy will inspire people in South Africa to stand in queues for their right to make the X that marks the defining spot... and potentially make a difference… Also making its stand, is MUSIC!

Electro funk artist Gazelle for one, is taking his stand and declaring himself as ‘President of Funk’ – swearing himself in tonight at his inaugural party at The Assembly in Cape Town. Check out the April issue of SA PROMO for an interview with this weird and wonderful artist making a mark on the music scene!

And elections totally aside, what is it about the animal kingdom taking over the music scene in SA? (and worldwide as I think of a few that float to mind – Wolfmother, The Animals etc)

Is it 'Animal Farm' coming to life... from the author of 1984, making bold statements about society through seemingly absurb contracts and comparisons? Or is it just me noticing this trend… in SA atleast, check this out – from varying grazing animals such as zebras, giraffes and gazelles to the more carnivorous types such as jackals, cats and chameleons – and not of course forgetting the cold blooded ones, goldfish!

Am I going crazy – no! Here is the lowdown of cool SA bands with funky animal inspired names:

Checked Zebra
Zebra & Giraffe
Mr Cat and the Jackal
Chris Chameleon

Rock on animal inspired artists,

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