19 Jan 2009

Mu, Me, Ma, Mi, Mo... and so 2009 goes!

Oh ‘me’, oh ‘mi’… how did the month already fly by? It’s the 19th January, and the beloved gig blog has not a post seen...

Welcome to 2009 all! We start with an overview, using the ‘mu’ of music, the ‘me’ of me, the ‘ma’ in magic, ‘mi’ in mischief and the ‘mo’ of Mo Laudi...

Me and Music are straight forward – the love affair continues, and 2009 will continue to bring you updates on all the SA gigs happening in and around London. Follow the gig listings to see up and coming cool SA artists performing in London.

Both the Magic and Mischief are what’s to be discovered at the uber amazing Madame Zingara – the Theatre of Dreams – a South African creation, a tented experience of fantasy next to the Battersea Power Station, where the reality of sub zero London is left outside, while the warmth and hospitality of the host of mythical characters invite you in for a night of splendor you shan’t forget! I’ve been twice already and I still long to go again! Read all about Madame Zingara and a special reader's offer coming soon in the Feb issue of SA Promo magazine.

And lastly, in the current January issue of SA Promo, read about Sugardrive's best of album, the MK Awards and DJ Mo Laudi – a South African mixer, producer, house DJ and kwaito cross-genre collaborater. Get to know this interesting character in the latest issue and then find out more from the Feb issue onwards as Mo Laudi will also be introducing his new column 'Laudiology' in the Feb SA Promo.

Many things on the horizon of 2009! And you'll read about it here!

Rock on music, Mo Laudi, the magic of Madame Zingara, mischief and me,

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