28 Jan 2008

28th January 2008

Yes, its a Monday and its misty and a bit miserable outside, but we all have reason to feel the magic today!

Why? Because its one of those special dates... 28 / 01 / 2008... pretty cool huh! And more so, as all the media love to tell us, we are now nearing the end of the most miserable month in the UK.

Indeed, two good reasons to be happy this Monday morning! But wait, there's more... to ease us into the short month of February (though this year ever so slightly longer by a day), we have some great SA bands to blow away the cobwebs of winter and inject some rock-ittude back into our routines!

First up are the Parlotones, one of SA's established exports who are not strangers on the London scene, but always a treat to see them none the less! Catch them tonight at Water Rats in Kings Cross!

Alas, I wont make that event as I will be checking out the dark and deeply mstic interior of the Troubadour (near Earls Court) and right by the beautiful Brompton Cemetry! Easing myself into the week, Im gonna inspire myself with the acoustic sounds of Mancunian Stephen Fretwell!

But for those needing a kick start... head to Kings Cross for the Parlos, performing LIVE! And if Monday is too early for you to be out and about... then on Wednesday, also at Water Rats... Livingston will be rocking out a midweek Wed gig!

More about Feb music coming soon!

Rock on spring!

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