21 Aug 2007

Gig Giveback: Rory Eliot & The Reason

Friday was fabulous! Sorry it took so long to tell you that! Im in Italy and its raining, so Im substituting the outside world of beach beauty for the online world today!

For a first night, Rory Eliot & The Reason resonated all the energy and passion I anticipated for their first time UK tour, and debut show to kick it off! But WOW did he over-deliver exceptionally. Sweat, love and amazingness came off that stage!

And the audience resonated the reason, the music and the meaning. Most interesting to me was how many male 'groupies' there were! Much singing along and a fabulous atmosphere! Rory was every bit as lovely when I met him afterwards!

The tour is being run by Monk Management who have scheduled a fast and furious turnaround of shows across London. And I think they will be as electric at all of them! We even talked about going to see them again before they leave! So, go see them while you can!

And don't forget bout Barry Hilton - tonight and tomorrow at Wimbledon Walkabout - and Thursday and Sunday at Zulus!

Not to mention that its time to start planning your long weekend if you havent already. From SouthWest4 on Clapham Common to Notting Hill Carnival on Monday's bank holiday and many a SA gig inbetween! Make it a bank holiday weekend to remember!

Ari Verderchi! Rock on Italia (minus the rain!) I'm off to eat more gorgeous Italian food!

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