
11 May 2011

So Seether right now...

Only a few days ago we wrote about SA's very own eyeliner boy and how much he looked like Pete Wentz or Adam Lambert as he says he sometimes gets called. 

But then he went and dyed his hair red. And now, all I can see is an angelic (and gorgeous) version of Seether's Shaun Morgan!

'He' of course being Ryan Morris (left), guitarist for SA band What Now who are based in London and currently touring the UK!

Ok, so there's the post box red hair. And there's the red and white stripes which add to the equation. Yet Ryan's white stripes look somehow wholesome next to Shaun's red and black long sleeve grungey gear!

    Its like 'Where's Wally' in the rock world!

Below to the right we have Shaun Morgan - postbox red hair and his right arm tattoo'ed too - just like Ryan's!

Above we have the iconic Shaun Morgan shot - the angsty image that came out around their 2007 London tour and the launch of 'Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces' - the SAMA nominated album that came out after the death of Shaun's brother, Eugene. The track 'Rise above this' was in honour of him!

Then while browsing online to prove another point, I found this site who put this pic together for us to show the Nirvana-ness of Kurt Cobain in Shaun Morgan's style...

As 'they' say anyway... copying is a form of flattery, and since no idea is ever a new idea, plus the fact that fashion is cyclical - and since stripes are stripes - well, maybe we are just picking at straws.

I do have a desire to dye my hair red now. But more like Fire, that gorgeous Gladiator from about 10 years back. Hmm, I wonder what happened to her.

But back to Seether while we're on the topic - they are releasing a new album very very soon! 'Holding On To Strings Better Left To Fray' is released next week, 17 May 2011!

Rock on red hair, new albums and iconic images,

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