
23 May 2011

Roots, reggae and waiting rooms...

While sitting in Hudsons on Somerset Road last night, listening to a Bob Marley track in the background, I suddenly felt the urge for some full-on reggae. And more so, a SA reggae resurgence!

But then if I think about it, we already have our very own active SA bands contributing beautifully - from Cape Town's Little Kings and 7th Son to Joburg-based Tidal Waves!

Tidal Waves played last night at Purple Turtle in fact and will be at The Waiting Room on Long Street in Cape Town tomorrow night!

Having met Ziggy Marley last year (so says their bio), and touring the US a couple of months ago, including at the famous SXSW - Tidal Waves are living up to their namesake in building seismic momentum! Their sound is original roots reggae with traditional African influences like Maskandi and Mbaqanga, plus a bit of the blues, ska and rock influence adding its flair! They also mix languages, performing in English, Afrikaans, Setswana and Tshivhenda.

Listen to some chilled Tidal Waves' tunes...

As for tonight, The Waiting Room it is, time to check out Andrew James! Described as 'roots music', it sounds like we're in for a creative exploratory treat tonight. Report back to follow!

Rock on SA-infused reggae,

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