
18 Jan 2011

How shall I miss thee...

I've just watched my last episode of Expresso for this time round. Its a morning TV show on SABC3 that I've come to love since its launch in October last year...

And my favourite bit (to do with music of course), is at the end of the show - the part between 7:20 and 7:30 - when they interview a different SA musician or band each day! What a service they are doing for our local music scene!

With the live studios set against a backdrop of Table Mountain, Cape Town is an ideal setting for this fun breakfast show. And the fact that they have Michael Mol as a TV presenter also adds so much to it! Vuyo has his own bouncy vibe to bring to the mix and Liezl van der Westhuizen adds her own flair too as the three of them rotate on who interviews the artists.

On this morning's show was a statuesque chap by the name of Mathew Moolman - with only one 't'! With an album entitled 'Rhythm & Harmony', he sung a track called Break Loose which showed off his soul-infused style. His short radiating dreads stood out against the mountain as he sung in the fresh morning air, bathed in beautiful Cape Town morning sunshine.

Aaah, Cape Town... I am going to miss you dearly! You are such a fabulous place to call home - but more so South Africa, with your silent power and presence - you really do have a fabulous energy about you, and I cannot wait to spend more time getting to know you!

So as I pack my suitcase with summer clothes and head back to London's freezer effect where I shall lavish in all my scarves, hats and other fun winter items (yes my awesome uggs, I'm coming for you!), I feel like I'm merely pressing a temporary pause on my time here - because I feel I will be back sooner than I realise...

And so as Mathew Moolman - with a 't' - said this morning on Expresso, even though his album is not yet available in shops, there is still a way to get hold of it. And that is, if you order it by sending an email to, he will not only hand deliver it, but also sing you a song of your choice when he does! (I'm not quite sure what this service costs!?) And so, while I will not be available in South Africa for a while, feel free to email me if you wish my presence and services (or just a hug), and I will make a plan to personally deliver when I'm back in SA (though I can't promise any singing (",)

And because of artists like Mathew and his passion to put himself out there - that's exactly why I have such a passion for South African music! Musicians here just love what they do, they do it with real desire and intent and they are hard working!

So thank you to all the wonderful musicians who have made these last four months so fabulous... you need only read back on this gig blog to know who they are... but special mentions go out to Jax Panik, Jack Mantis Band, Mccree, Chris Tait and Dave Owens as I've joined them temporarily on their journeys. And to some others such as Shen Winberg, Evolver One and Civil Twilight for the beautiful songs that have been the soundtrack to my working days!

Rock on SA music in South Africa and beyond,

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