
15 Apr 2009

The right to spread the word about SA music...

Today was voting day for the South Africans living in the UK - and Trafalgar Square was the hot spot - queues of excited people, all very proud and pleased to have their chance to vote - their RIGHT to vote!

This reminded me that its my right to tell you about more up and coming SA bands... and after my annual pilgrimage to South Africa in March (yes, for an entire amazing amazing month!), I feel much more adept and inspired to speak about SA music and what is going down, who's hot... and what to listen to!

On this side of the world, we see a fair few SA artists - but usually the ones who achieve success of radio play, record label signings etc and hence are lucky enough to be sponsored or supported on UK tours...

But those artists who live in SA, or are on indie labels or self-funded, produced, managed - combined with high exchange rates - means that they dont get to come to the UK! And more so, that means that we in Londono miss out on a lot of those fabulous bands back at home that don't have a presence in the UK!

I'm talking about the new up and coming bands who are still gigging the SA festival circuits who are huge at home, but have not cracked any attention overseas! Or the eight piece ska bands with a sweet-shop selection of sounds and instruments that would cost a small sweet shop business to finance to physically get them over to the UK - let alone costs when here for a small tour!

Of course there is the world of online - and that is where I come in... more new bands to follow! Here to update you on what's happening at home... to suggest some of the bands on the rock, indie, pop and singer songwriter scene anyway. (Loads of stuff going on in so many other genres too - but these are the ones for which my musical arm is twisted when it comes to CD buying and gig attendance!)

Ok, so first up, get listening to The Plastics and The Pretty Blue Guns

I do think you will very much like. More Hot New Stuff to follow!

Rock on new amazing bands,

PS. Cassette and Blk Jks - two hot bands of the 'lucky enough to be international already' are playing tomorrow night... (see gig guide on the right) Get down to a gig as the summer weather kicks in! Its time to start exploring London again!

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