
22 Nov 2007

SA spot the difference...

Close your eyes and listen to this track that you should subconsciously, if not knowingly, be aware of... Listen to the voice, to the guitar... and tell me what you hear!?

And now open your eyes, and tell me what you see... a head of dreads, a stage presence and a man behind a guitar. Hmmmm...

Well, maybe not separated at birth, and possibly not easily compared, but I had to find someway of making a SA link so as to have my say on here! I're sure I could do another 6 degrees of separation, but I think on look-a-like-ness and similar sound-a-like style alone I am onto something. (If you still haven't got the similarility, I think he looks like Ard Matthews from Just Jinjer!)

The song which leans towards a Just Jinjer sound is the one which launched him - Dream Catch Me. And then of course there is the Massive Attack cover of Teardrop. A truly beautiful song expertly enhanced. If I may say so, improved! For the first time I am acutely aware of the opening lines of the song. And the words are magic.

"Love, love is a verb. Love is a doing word!"

You might be wondering who I am rambling on about... this is the British singer songwriter, Newton Faulkner. And why? Well, I went to see him last night! He played his entire album and a little more at a gorgeous gig at the Shepherds Bush Empire. An ideal venue for all his acoustic thumps and arm-hand-inner wrist drum percussion persuasions!

Top marks to the lighting guys, great effects... sometimes looking like an android off a star wars episode and at others a serene dreadlocked angel of echoing voice. Regal. Real. Morphing his guitar into a myriad of sounds... a percussion drum one moment and a didgeredoo the next. A little one man band complete with a voice as gruff as Stereophics if need be, or just a laid back beach-fire Jack Johnson vibe too.

It was gorgeous, it was good. It was a great way to spend a Wednesday. Go Netwon. Cool name, funky look and very catchy style. I think he will be a hit in South Africa too!

Rock on SA similar artists!

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