
13 Nov 2007

Mid-November blues...

Anyone out there got them too? Its just that time of year when things dont seem as bright, daylight is disappearing fast and one's workload to finish up before the end of year is looming.

Take heart, for music will lift the weary soul! And who better than South Africa's export happy rockers, Just Jinjer. Check out the South African today for the 1-10 of what's going down with Just Jinjer.

Also in this week's paper is an article on the new music management company, Living it Live and what can be expected from their launch party next weekend in Brixton - hosted by 94.7 Highveld Stereo's Darren Whackhead Simpson, and supported by some great SA London based bands... one of my London favourites, Livingston as well as Dorp who always impress. As well as Craig Viljoen, lead singer of SA band The Rifts.

So for a mid-week mid-November pick me up, head on down to Shepherds Bush Walkabout tomorrow and Thursday!

Rock on weekend,

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