With so many interesting Afrikaans bands being brought into the UK by Burning Events, it seems silly not to get to know them a bit more! Last weekend saw Jakkie Louw and before that the blonde-looker known as Jak de Priester.
And coming up soon are Beeskraal and Klopjag, two bands doing well on the MK89 gig guide in the South African, as well as receiving much airplay on MK89! (For those who havent been home in a while... MK89 is a music channel on DSTV, mostly Afrikaans orientated, but most importantly, all SA music focused! Oh, and the MK stands for.... wait for it... Musiek Kanaal. Simple!)
So, with Lukraaketaar in the country as I write (and probably sound-checking for tonight), let's get onto them ever so briefly about what you can expect...
Die groep se naam, Lukraaketaar, is 'n kombinasie van twee woorde: lukraak, wat beteken toeval, geluk, na willekeur; en ketaar, wat volgens hulle 'n woordspeling op "kitaar" en "kommentaar" is. Lukraaketaar is bekend vir hul uitgesprokenheid en retoriese vrae in hul lirieke.
So, for those who need a translation of the above. It is roughly saying that the name Lukraaketaar is made up of two words:
- lukraak: which means happiness, good fortune etc
- kitaar & kommentaar combined: which means commentary etc
So, that's a nice little explanation of how the band came to their strange name. Its always satisfying when one can understand and share the thought behind a band's purpose. And having a story behind the name is paramount to this. Especially when it comes to Afrikaans names.
So in summary, the name is a reflection of their rhetorical and outspoken commentary on life. Even for an English speaker, I can actually understand quite a bit in their songs as they do sing clearly and slowly!
In their liedjie (song) called Passievol (which I assume means 'passion full'), with lyrics such as " Nothing you buy will ever make you happy" and "Where do we go when we die?"
And with that first intro to the SA Afrikaans Music (SAAM as opposed to SAM, hehe) arena I will leave you pondering on Lukraaketaar's lyrical laments on life!
Rock on Friday afternoons and Afrikaans bands,
hi, new to the site, thanks.