
26 Oct 2011

Today I am so very proudly Capetonian...

Don't get me wrong, I am proudly Capetonian always... But as a recently returned Cape Town raised being, today I am doubly extra proud of the vision and hard work behind Cape Town for World Design Capital 2014 - a prestigious platform which we were awarded this morning!

Today I experienced Cape Town with fresh eyes and an excited sense of endless possibility as I looked around at the blend of people equally enlivened by the energy and future of Cape Town, of the power of design thinking as a transformational mindset shifter - and of the city itself as a living breathing functioning design being!

Today I woke at 4:45am.
Today I went to the Fringe before work.
Today I drank amazing free coffee from the Field Office.
Today I celebrated with fellow design enthusiasts at the crack of dawn.
Today I witnessed history, streamed live from the IDA Congress in Taiwan.
Today I was part of the celebration of Cape Town as World Design Capital 2014.

Today I spoke to the Cape Talk presenter Africa Melane.
Today I chatted to the film crew of SABC's Special Assignment.
Today I wrote my wish for Cape Town at the design collective, The Bank.
Today I shared the excitement with the bid committe and Cape Town Partnership.
Today I helped spread the news of this epic achievement putting Cape Town on the map.

Today I ate slup chips for breakfast, because I am Capetonian.
Today I walked through the parade market and felt connected to the city.
Today I strolled past the vibrant station flowersellers of Cape Town, and smiled.
Today I caught the MyCiti bus and marvelled at the clean, friendly and efficient service.
Today I celebrated and appreciated what it means to be part of the the City of Cape Town.

Rock on creative vision,

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