
3 Jun 2011

Nude Girls back on a stage near you...

With the summer of SA music love in London this June, what would the SA music in London scene be without the original SA 'super' bands from back in the day...

Yes, we're talking the Just Jinjers and Springbok Nude Girls of the SA music scene! And they're both making appearances in London imminently!

We caught up with Arno Carstens of Springbok Nude Girls ahead of their London show on Saturday 4 June at the Shepherd's Bush Empire! Arno, who has been based between the UK and SA for the last three years, is currently on tour with SNG's around the UK...

1. When were Springbok Nude Girls last in London?
I cannot remember exactly when that was, but it was awesome. Prime Circle were with us. This tour started on 31 May up in Scotland, and we've played Glasgow, Newcastle and Sheffield so far!

2. What can we expect from the London show?
We will be doing songs that made us popular and also some stuff from Peace Breaker, the last album we made together!

The Empire is our favourite venue in London, we had awesome shows there! We are sharing the stage with Van Coke Kartel who are in peak condition, and amazing live! Velvetines will also be inspiring to watch - really looking forward to it!

3. So what is going on with SNG?
SNG is slowly starting to work on another body of work. We start next week, so let's see how it goes! We have done a lot of work together and now recognise a certain magic as a whole, something you take for granted when you are busy having too much fun. We are in a good place now, we do SNG for the love of music on our own time when it suits us.

4. And as Arno Carstens?
I am half way through putting a new album together, which I feel good about. Then there is also talk of a solo DVD that might be recorded end of July.

5. What was SNG's last gig, and the next one after the UK tour ends on 7 June?
We played in February with U2's 360 Tour in South Africa! And we are looking forward to the Isle of Wight festival next weekend where SNG will be playing Big Top next Saturday (11 June) and adds Arno, "I'll be watching Foo Fighters and Kings of Leon, can't wait!"

Rock on SA music rock shows at the Shebu Empire,

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