
22 Apr 2011

What would you do if it's all gone...

...asks singer songwriter Roland Albertson in his earth-conscious track, White Wednesday - a plea to imagine the world without flourishing landscapes and an unpolluted sea, forever damaged by the effects of global warming and over-population.

White Wednesday has been doing exceedingly well on the online listener-voted chart of in the last week, subconsciously providing the soundtrack for a global consciousness and awareness in line with Earth Day today!

Roland wrote White Wednesday on a snowy Tuesday night during a London winter, saying "I want people to imagine how they would feel 30 years down the line when the effects of global warming have forever ruined the beautiful views we take for granted. Would you change things you do now to make sure that epic scenery is around to enjoy in your old age and for others beyond?

And as the lyrics express "Mountains (glaciers) melt to rivers. Forests turn to sand, before our very eyes". Its a direct result of our actions and yet we fail to recognise the fact that we'll really regret it once it's too late! Roland's song imbues the essence of Earth Day, the importance of being aware!

As for theSixtyOne chart success, Roland is proud to say, "I held the number one spot on their 'hot' chart for two days, which is unusual with this kind of real-time chart listing. The response from the listeners was incredible, with over 1,200 hearts (the way to rate songs) in just 48 hours!"

All this hot heart action means that Roland is currently 9th on the monthly chart, so he stands a good chance of topping that chart too. Check out what its all about on

Happy Earth Day - may we all do our bit!

Rock on music making you think, and care, about our planet,

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