
27 Nov 2007

Gig Giveback: Chris Letcher & Cassette

A Monday at the Halfmoon and some super quality stuff on stage. Makes me think I should get out more, even on Mondays!

Finally at last I got to see the creative Chris Letcher who I have interviewed a few times and listened to his music many! But to see someone in the throes of creating while in their zone is something quite different. Its like the emotion forms a whole new instrument, a whole new sound expressing a new understanding!

And so Chris Letcher gets my vote! Not that he didn't before. But now its confirmed! Plus seeing his whole band, with Victoria Hume on keyboards... and a nice little link to the next band as both have females on keys...

Leading onto Cassette who as when they were last in London seriously kicked some stage butt and did so again this time! Always a treat to see them live. Jon Savage performs perfectly!

Rock on live gigs,

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