
10 Aug 2007

Gig Giveback: Just Jinjer

Yes Denholm, your time is up in London already! That was a quick visit indeed!

And so Just Jinjer came and went with their mid-week gig at the Savanna-selling Shepherd's Bush Walkabout.

They played a fair bit of new stuff, had the crowd at the front enthralled and ended with Ard acoustically delivering the oldies single-handedly. Starting with Farther & Father and moving onto Shallow Waters, he looked fab as usual with his California sun-kissed skin and ever-cool, ever-Ard dreads!

And yes, we still like Just Jinjer madly.
But from speaking to people at this gig, I was amazed at just how many people didn't actually know all their stuff. Six albums on, and many great JJ classics, and still we have egte South Africans who know exactly who JJ are, but not quite what songs they will expect to know on the night. 

Luckily JJ have that ear-seepage-style music that sinks into your brain matter and sends little light bulbs of recognition a-flickering when a known song is sung!

I have nearly all their stuff over the years, and loved the rendition they did of Table Talk, a song I've been spoilt one too many times with in its place of inspiration... at their annual post-Christmas pre-NY gig at Dunes in Hout Bay, Cape Town! The words go a little something like this...

"If Table Mountain could talk... What would she whisper in the Lion's ears? What kind of Signal would she give to the Hill? And if she spoke loud enough would she perhaps get through to Chapman? Or did he lose his Peak years ago?
If Table Mountain could sing, would she perhaps be into Elvis? I have a feeling she's always been into rock of some sort! And if our mountain could think... would she perhaps be into Plato? Or did she give up long ago and let the Cape win her Point?
This is Table Talk... If Table Mountain could say anything, what would she say?"

So there you have it! Watch this space where we intend to keep you up-to-date on what the guys are doing until their next visit!

Rock on JJ,

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