
28 Aug 2007

Catch 'em while you can!

Hooray for short weeks and the light at the end of the tunnel only four days away following a fabulous weekend of sunshine!

Just a quick reminder that if you havent yet seen Rory Eliot, tonight is your last chance and at the wonderful ear-heaven of the Halfmoon. Also, catch Parlotones last night tomorrow night, plus my fave London SA band Livingston playing in Camden tomorow night!

Lots coming up in September, but more on that to follow soon!

And don't forget to pick up a copy of today's South African which features a CD review on Durban-born singer songwriter Farryl Purkiss, a troubadour who is going places fast! Under record label Sheer he released his debut over here just under a month ago on 4 August.

Read Tune Me to find out more... and then get out to buy the CD and get to know his songs before Farryl flies into London for his gig on 8 September in London!

Rock on four-day weeks!

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